There are lots of reasons and benefits for children to learn and use American Sign Language, ASL, with children’s songs. One of the key reasons why signing is so rewarding has to do with something called FLOW. In our book, Sign to Speak – Toddlers at Play, Dr. Marylin Daniels explains this reason and why signing is so rewarding for children.
You may ask, what is flow? Flow is described as a feeling of joy that is intrinsically rewarding. When you are in flow, you become totally involved in whatever you are doing. Your attention is entirely focused on the task or activity at hand. Time almost seems to stand still.
Focus itself appears to lock in, almost making the work or recreation effortless, and you are able to perform at the peak of your capabilities. It is difficult, if not impossible, to be distracted when you are in flow.
Almost everyone has experienced flow at some time. If you reflect on your own past, you will undoubtedly be able to recall times when you have been in flow. A different set of factors will precipitate flow in various individuals.
And this is indeed Gardner’s point. He encourages educators and parents to provide children with rich environments where they will encounter many opportunities to engage in activities that will allow them to achieve flow.
As a college professor, Dr. Marilyn Daniels is often in flow when teaching a class. She describes her experiences like this: “Sometimes I am so involved and focused on the interactive process with my students I do not even realize it is time for the period to end. My students tend to be more involved and do not signal me by beginning to pack up their belongings. Sometimes I am actually surprised when students begin to arrive for the class that follows mine.”
Howard Gardner sees the positive state of flow as the healthy way for one to teach children. He believes flow motivates a child from within, which he considers to be a practice far superior to external threats or rewards.
He states that we should use kids’ positive states to “draw them into learning in the domain where they can develop competencies. Flow is an internal state that signifies a kid is engaged in a task that is right. The hope is that when kids gain flow from learning they will be emboldened to take on challenges in new areas.”
Marilyn’s experience with the young children has shown that the vast majority of young children who learn sign language are initially interested in forming words with their hands. They appear to enjoy the physical movement. Later they come to enjoy the activity and finally, they are not easily distracted.
Our song posting this week is a wonderful Christian Children’s Song. It has been sung for generations in churches and in Sunday schools. Watch our Christian Children’s song called Jesus Loves Me where you can sing and sign, using American Sign Language, this great classic song.
It’s easy to sign, using ASL, and you can even watch our Jesus Loves Me Instructional Video where we teach you all the signs to use in the song before you sing and sign along. Always keep in mind that you don’t have to sign all the signs we suggest. Sign whatever amount you and your children are comfortable in signing when singing and signing any ASL children’s song.
“Jesus Loves Me” words were written by Anna Bartlett Warner (1827-1915) and put to music in 1862 by William Batchelder Bradbury (1816-1868). Soon after the song came out it became one of the most popular Christian songs and Christian children’s songs in the world.
This simple and repetitive song features some wonderful signs for children to learn and use. One of my favorite signs for children to learn is the sign for LOVE.
Here is the ASL sign for LOVE:

Make fists, crossed at the wrists, and hold them against your chest (as if you are holding something you love)
Another children’s song with the sign LOVE included in the lyrics is a wonderful toddler and preschooler song called The Tiny Little Mouse. Watch it and reinforce the learning of love and lots of other American Sign Language signs.
Visit our website for more information and products that feature American Sign Language DVDs and books.